Went to the Friday afternoon Boston Symphony Orchestra concert of Stravinsky "Petrushka", Ravel "Mother Goose" and Prokofiev "Violin Concerto No 2".
I really liked Petrushka, I thought I'd like Mother Goose much more than I did based on the description, and the Prokofiev was nice.
Overall, it was really great to be in the hall (this time on the second balcony in back with great sound and no annoying person behind me. I was alternately drawn in to the music and stimulated to think about various things, mostly inventing-related, which was actually nice. I might go just for that kind of stimulation.
Between the first and second pieces, as the orchestra was rearranging, I saw someone change the conductor's score and I wondered how they make sure that they get the right one. Do they have a checklist backstage? Do they check with the players to make sure of what's next?
Then the conductor and soloist came on and there was a longer-than-expected delay before starting the piece. The guy who changed the scores came out and looked at the score and then red-faced (I presume) took it back stage and brought a different score, to the chuckling of the audience mixed with light applause. What a fun coincidence! (Fun for me, at least -- I expect he was somewhere between disappointed and mortified.
Based on this, I'm likely to try to head back to get rush tickets ($9), even if I'm not that excited by the program -- just being there is great.