London Symphony Orchestra Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 & Prokofiev Symphony No. 5 at Symphony Hall March 25 was lovely and inspiring (despite the man with the noisy plastic bag right behind me -- who let it fall to the floor at one point, then noisily picked it up again so that he could have it in his lap to make more noise with -- *sigh*).
First, it was nice to be back in Symphony Hall -- a lovely place that I have fond memories of. Then as soon as the music started, I also remembered how beautiful the sound is -- both clear and warm and enveloping, even though I was near the back just under the first balcony overhang.
While themes from the Beethoven were familiar to me, it felt mostly new. It was fun to be able to listen more closely after listening to a number of lecture + concerts of Beethoven's String Quartets that I heard in San Francisco a couple years ago. And the playing was first-rate -- both expressive and precise. It also was interesting to watch Giergiev conduct -- without baton and with often floppy-jointed gestures.
The Prokoviev was all new to me as far as I can tell, and while it wasn't as preciously beautiful as much of the Beethoven was, there was lots of rhythmic excitement and much richer and varied orchestral textures.
I'm looking forward to getting back to Symphony Hall for more Russian composers at the next BSO program.